WOD Tuesday CrossFit


WOD Tuesday CrossFit

Bluprint Fitness – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Min Run/Row/Ride

Partner Dyna Hoops 3 Minutes (Partner Rest)

KB Ribbon/Air Squat/Pull Plus 2×10/10/10 (30s)

Skill Practice

Toes-To-Bar (10-15 Minutes)

* 2×10-15s Basic Kip

* 2×5 Kip + Knees-2-Chest * 2×5 KTE

* T2B

Each progression should be 80% mastered before moving to the next.

60s Rest Between Sets


Death By KB Transfer (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

EMOTM Athletes will transfer their KB 1 Gym Length – Increasing by 1 GL each minute until athletes cannot finish within the minute.

(S-15/25, Rx-25/35, Rx+35+/50+)

15-Minute MAX

Record Highest FULLY Complete Round (1-15)

IF athlete can’t complete all 15 rounds – you must ROW the remainder.

Record Highest Round Completed (Rounds) + Meters Rowed (Reps)

Cool Down

DB E.R. (2-3x10e @ 2.5-12 lbs *1 Min Rest)

Dumbbell Shoulder External Rotation


Lax Ball Trap Smash

Forearm Chest Opener

Pigeon Pose