Transformation Stats – Johanna Bertini


Transformation Stats – Johanna Bertini

Member Since: May 2015

  • Age: 32
  • Deadlift: 220#
  • Back Squat: 170#
  • Clean&Jerk: 130#
  • 1-Mile Run: 6:50
  • 7-Min Burpee: 100 reps
  • Favorite Food: How does one answer this question? Ill do a meal – Burger and Fries.

Top 3 Learned Tips & Skills

1) Importance of Mobilization.

2) Balancing protein, carbs and fat in my diet based on what MY body needs.

3) Listening to my body and taking rest or pushing harder where applicable.

Personal Transformation Description

My lifestyle has always been pretty healthy, however, I no longer struggle with counting calories or have anxiety about “getting fat” by missing one workout.  I look forward to going into class as our gym has the best sense of community and its like working out with a bunch of besties.

Bluprint has allowed me to grow stronger, while also feeling confident in my own skin. Which after years of trying different workouts and diets, is priceless. Instead of stressing about how I LOOK, I am focusing on what new skill I can learn. I am very grateful that I found Byron and Janelle’s gym and can call them my friends.

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