WOD Tuesday CrossFit


WOD Tuesday CrossFit

Bluprint Fitness – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Min Run/Row/Ride

Partner Stiff-Legged Bear Crawl + Sprint: 2xGLap (Partner Rest)

PVC Halo/Air Squat/Pull Plus 2x5e/10/10 (30s)

Skill Practice

Gymnastic or Butterfly Kip Practice (15 Minutes)

Step 1: Basic Kip (Sets of 10s)

Step 2: Box Kipping/Butterfly Pull-Up (Sets of 8)

Step 3: Abbreviated to Full Pull-Up Variation (Sets of 2-5)

Strength Accessory: Banded Levers/Tempo Ring Rows

Work Through Steps 1-3 to Find Your Sticking Point

Then: Switch Between Step 1/2/3 & Strength Accessory (Rest A.N.)


Metcon (Weight)

Every 90s Complete

1 Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 S2OH

7 Rounds

*Record Heaviest Completed Complex

*Suggested Start: S-35/55, Rx-65/95, Rx+95/135

Cool Down

Partner SA Vert BB Carry ( 3xGLap @15+/35+ *Partner Rest)

Carry BB Vertically with 90 Degree Bend at the Elbow


Lax Ball Upper Trap Smash (1-2 Minutes)

Foam Roll Lats (1 Min Each)

Wall Stretch (1+ Min Each)