Food Under Stress


Food Under Stress

You are probably thinking “how in the world am I supposed to prepare meals with everything I have stacked on my life plate?”

Here are a couple of tricks that worked for me through a period of crazy transition.

Included: Crockpot tips, overnight oats, and tips to keep your nutrition on track during busy times!

Stressed? Too much work? Not enough play? Not enough time in the day?

You are probably thinking “how in the world am I supposed to prepare meals with everything I have stacked on my life plate?”

During the process of relocating our gym just down the street…I felt all of these things. I’m the first to admit I love my little bubble of a life when things aren’t quite so…crazy.  All I kept thinking was I know I am not sleeping enough and the last thing I want to do is fall off the food wagon that I pride myself for riding on. Here are a couple of tricks that worked for me through a period of crazy transition.

1. For the love of everything holy, use a CROCKPOT. Best $20 I ever spent! I needed a solution to preparing our lunches while I wasn’t home…chicken breast/salt/pepper Crockpot on low…6 hours…stir into shredded chicken. BAM…cold chicken salad. Couple handfuls of bagged greens, shredded carrots, raisins, celery…and we are in business. You can go the mayo route or you can throw some homemade dressing on this.

2. Change up your veggie game. I purchased more than normal bagged lettuce, arugula, and spinach for quick and easy additions to meals that I didn’t have to cut/rinse/drain/cook. Also used frozen veggies…not always my favorite but man they were a lifesaver and totally nothing to feel bad about. Best part…minimal prep, take them out of the freezer throw them in the skillet…BOOM!

3. Use your microwave in a pinch. Eeek…I said it. And oh well, it worked…I got my nutrition in. Fork stabbed and nuked whole potatoes (done in 10 minutes). Pseudo “baked” potatoes.

4. Make Overnight Oats. This is the perfect snack to pack in your cooler when you plan on working from 6am to “You can’t keep your eyes open pm and sometimes am”

5. Did I mention the CROCKPOT. Yes wild rice and quinoa can be cooked in this little gem. I would do the wild rice on low for 8 hours and the quinoa for 4 hours. Pretty serious time saver and the best part is you don’t have to be there.

Try these out when you feel like your life is spinning and see if they help you. They definitely worked for me and allowed me to keep my nutrition happy and alive!